Stand Up is a feature length documentary film that follows the story of two high school wrestlers who are trying to live up to the expectations of their team to make it to the Pennsylvania State Tournament, one of the toughest tournaments in the USA.
Stand Up's Special Edition DVD will be available for preorder in September on Amazon and the Reel Nation Media online store. Seed And Spark backers will be sent exclusive versions of the DVD in the middle of August.
The DVD will be shipped out on September 20th!
To see the packaging and art of the DVD, visit this neat video - http://www.discmakers.com/AVLFlashViewer/?p=dluWgjAOZ6HKIZQ/BwB0YA==#.Wa7Aq9N95E4
What's in the DVD?
The Stand Up Special Edition DVD has several hours of bonuses included. Some of which are:
Director's Commentary
Interview with the filmmaker
A workout training series by Lamont Stanley (included online)
"After Stand Up" - a video showing where the participants of the film are at now
A special insight into coaching
A special insight into wrestling
The "Can't Keep Me Down" music video
Redeemable code for digital HD copy
Each DVD will also include digital downloads of wrestling music, and a lifetime access of future content from Stand Up to come.
A Word From the Filmmaker
"I wanted this DVD to be something I would have geeked out about when I was a kid, and also something I would have explored in and out- explored the menus a few hundred times." says the director/producer Abdullah Abu-Mahfouz. "I set out with that standard when making the DVD. I was there authoring it through every step."
We asked him how it felt to move on from Stand Up...
"Absolutely terrific! Three years on one movie is long enough. It's time for the film to make a life on its own."
Stand Up is also set to release on iTunes and Amazon in Winter 2017, and quite possibly Netflix and Hulu in February 2018.
Initial supplies are limited, so If you would like to make sure you get your copy, visit the Reel Nation Media store at https://www.reelnationmedia.com/product-page/preorder-stand-up-special-edition-dvd.
This has been a Reel Nation Media special insight.
Keep it Reel!